Interested in learning more about AI or cheminformatics? OSPF offers courses that are great for beginners!
Artificial Intelligence for Beginners
This workshop is designed for graduate/post-graduate students, industry professionals, and researchers.
Mode of workshop: Virtual/ Online Duration: 6 hours Fee: provided through email following registration* |
Workshop Takeaways: 1. This course offers a basic understanding of concepts, fundamentals, and methods in AI that can be applied in drug discovery research. 2. The course does not intend to teach any coding or any advanced topics. 3. The course includes interaction and discussion with mentors, and researchers. 4. Upon completing the course, students are provided with a certificate for participation from Open Source Pharma Foundation (OSPF). |
Cheminformatics Workshop for BeginnersThis workshop is designed for graduate/post-graduate students, industry professionals, researchers, and research scholars.
Mode of workshop: Virtual/ Online Duration: 30 hours Fee: provided through email following registration* |
Workshop Takeaways: 1. This course offers a basic understanding of concepts, fundamentals, and methods in cheminformatics that can be applied in academia or industrial research. 2. This course does not intend to teach coding or advanced topics. 3. The course includes interaction and discussion with mentors, and researchers. 4. Upon completing the course, students are provided with a certificate for participation from Open Source Pharma Foundation (OSPF). |
*Course fees can be remitted online through the Bhim Upi App in India
(Privacy, refund policy and terms & condition)
OSPF Refund Policy
This refund policy applies to all learners who have paid their fee to enrol in a course. A learner is entitled to a full refund until the start of the course. After the course begins, no fees or other payments are refundable. |
Privacy Policy for Open Source Pharma Foundation
Last updated: June 22, 2022 This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. |