Project Description
The outbreak of COVID-19, a new strain of coronavirus, emerged from Wuhan in late 2019, China and has spread globally ever since its outbreak. Currently, there is no definite treatment for COVID-19, although few therapeutics, such as small molecules, vaccines, antibodies are under investigation. The need of the hour is to come up with a treatment at the earliest possible. So our strategy is to look into FDA approved drugs that could be repurposed against COVID-19. Developing new uses for FDA approved drugs would be much faster, cheaper, and less risky than developing new drugs and therefore offers what may be the single most promising avenue for delivering new medical treatments to the current pandemic.
Towards this endeavour we are making a consolidated effort to bring on to the platform different resources available globally for repurposing FDA approved drugs for COVID. We will plug in a discussion forum on top of it, which would enable the participation of scientific/non-scientific communities from different parts of the globe.
Towards this endeavour we are making a consolidated effort to bring on to the platform different resources available globally for repurposing FDA approved drugs for COVID. We will plug in a discussion forum on top of it, which would enable the participation of scientific/non-scientific communities from different parts of the globe.
Below are various resources available for repurposing drugs for COVID-19.